Test Centric: GUI to run NUnit tests


Test Centric GUI Runner

I found this amazing test runner developed by Charlie Pool.

For people who are working with Selenium with C# with NUnit, this is a very useful tool for you.

Are you a tester who doesn’t know how to code and waits for hours for your test developer to run the test and share the results with you? Or did you ever think of running those automated test cases?

Have you ever wondered how a manual testing team can run automated tests?

So here we have “Test Centric”, an open-source tool to run your automated tests.

Inject the .dll that contains all the test cases and now you can run it.

NOTE: Test Cases are built using the .Net 4.7.2 framework which is used in this blog.

Let’s see how these things work.

You can download the .zip file which contains the .exe of the test-centric runner from the below URL.


Download testcentric-gui-1.6.4.zip.

Once you unzip it, double-click on testcentric.exe from the bin folder.

Here is how your runner looks at start-up.

Here is how your runner looks at start-up.

Test Centric Runner

Now select the .dll file.

Basically, all tests are added to the projects .dll file when tests are written using C# code NUnit.

The test developer can provide you with the file if you don’t know which one it is.

To Open the .all file to load the test click on the file and click on open and select the .dll file.

Once you open the file you will see all the tests in the .dll file gets imported into the GUI.

You can right-click on the test structure and click on show checkboxes, now you will see the checkboxes, and you can select the test cases you want to run.

Select the test cases and click on Run Button.

All the selected test cases will run.

If there is any error in the test cases that can also be seen as below,

All the assertion messages of why the test cases failed can be seen.

Also, it gives you the line where the test case has failed in the program which can help a programmer debug and find the issue.

This is a simple GUI tool that can help the manual tester or any team member who doesn’t know to code and want to run the existing automated tests.


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